Monday, March 17, 2008


Yesterday I taught Avery how to rollerblade on her new big girl rollerblades! She did so good. She walked around our culdesac a few times and then she even figured out how to get herself up when she fell! She is really looking forward to summer and being outdoors.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kelly and Patricks' Wedding

Last Friday we went to Duluth for Kelly and Patricks wedding. everyone had such a great time, i just wish Matt and the girls would have come. Kelly looked gorgeous and the night was great.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Celia 2 1/2 months

We decieded to take Celia's 2 month picturs at home. I cant belive how big she is getting already, it is amazing.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Avery, Celia and Erick


AManda and Abby with Matt and Celia

Grandma has hands and heart full with 3 granddaughters! Avery is doing pretty well with having to share one of her favorite people in the world.

Erick and Celia

Two peas in a pod

Winter Fun


We had Connor and Chaz for the weekend and we went bowling! Connor was the big winner of the day! Avery kept running onto the ally and falling on her but from the wax. One game was quite enough!
Avery, Me, Connor and Chaz
Connor and Chaz
Good Job Connor

Daddy's Girls

Be Mine

Pretty Girl

Celia all cozy
Nice Smile, our happy girl.

Our Brother "Sam"

Celia and her brother "Sam"
Celia being Swaddled

A Biter?

When Avery was little she used to suck on Matt's nose..we thought we would try it with Celia but all we managed to do was tick her off! I think what she is saying here is Where is my milk??!

A natural Kisser

Avery loves it when Celia kisses her.
Go Celia!!!


Avery and Celia- Already the Best of Friends

It is amazing how Avery is such a natural at being a big sister. She loves to kiss Celia and hold her and is very protective of her. They are lucky to have each other.

Celia is Here

Celia Grace Bakke came into the world on December 22, 2007 at 9:12pm, she was 7 lbs, 5 oz, 20 1/2 inches long.Our New Family

Our little peanut
It is amazing to see how much she looks like her father.